Good School Maintenance

Good School Maintenance

A Manual of Programs and Procedures for Buildings, Grounds, Equipment

This manual, published by the Illinois Association of School Boards, was designed to be used as a teaching tool and reference source for overseeing effective school maintenance. Section 1 describes the basics of good school maintenance, including managing the program, using computers, controlling energy costs, ensuring safe practices, designing buildings for efficient maintenance, and being informed about environmental issues. Section 2 details guidelines for operating cleaning and general building services, such as custodial operations, area cleaning programs, and equipment and supplies. A custodian's glossary is included. The third section provides guidelines for building maintenance, specifically, caring for the exterior and roof. Procedures for maintaining school grounds are detailed in the fourth section. The fifth section describes the maintenance of mechanical equipment, including heating and air conditioning systems, sanitary systems and fixtures, sewage treatment plants, and electrical systems. A management tools appendix contains a list of environmental resources; sections on cleaning and general building services, grounds maintenance, and mechanical equipment; and annual inspection checklists. (LMI)

Illinois Assn of School Boards, 1996 г. - pages: 263

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Illinois Assn of School Boards
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